Case StudyStockport NHS Foundation Trust Case Study3 min ⏱︎ Stockport NHS Foundation Trust faced a series of significant challenges…View
WebinarFour Must-Watch Webinars for HR Professionals!2 min ⏱︎ Last year, we had the privilege of engaging with numerous…View
Brochureillumin8HR brochure1 min ⏱︎ The illumin8HR Platform Make data-driven decisions on your key people challenges…View
ReportKey HR metrics to help you on your people analytics journey *Free Download*Introduction With many demands on HR departments to ‘up their game’ when it comes…View
Case StudyCezanne HR Case StudyCezanne HR are regularly adding to their modular cloud-based HR platform to meet current…View
Case StudyVisma Raet Case StudyVisma Raet have partnered with Activ8 Intelligence to bring their 2000+ HR customers an…View